
Spreading Teacher Kindness... Encouraging Fellow Educators

Hi, there! It's Erin, from Very Perry Classroom! Recently, we at the Punchbowl have been discussing ways we like to show love and kindness to others in the education world.. It can be an isolating profession, if you don't reach out for support and to support. We are so thankful for those who have supported each of us, and definitely want to share the love! Today, I am going to share a few ways I like to show kindness to others... 
The first way I love connect and appreciate other teachers is an idea that I cannot take credit for, but totally love. It's a concept that was created by Jameson, from Lessons With Coffee. A few years ago, Jameson saw a need for educators to feel connected to and encouraged by others if they weren't necessarily feeling the "love" where they were. She also saw that teachers LOVE to make new friends... And the idea for SLANT boxes was born! Jameson is amazingly organized and patient and matches teachers from the blogging and non-blogging worlds with others across the nation (Sending Love Across the Nation to Teachers). Each participant sends a box to their match, and communicates with them throughout each match session. I can honestly say I *love* making new SLANT box friends! If you would like to find out more, click here

Another idea that I love for spreading kindness to other teachers is compliment cards!
These great cards from Erin Condren are great to slip in a colleague's mailbox to spread some love or lift their spirits. There is plenty of room on the back to write a quick note to brighten their day!

Finally, I want to share with you what I have been doing with a few colleagues this Spring! 

Around Christmas, a few of us who are on the Sunshine Committee were talking about doing "You've been Socked!," which is a pass-the-stocking activity. We loved the idea of filling an object and paying it forward across the staff, but knew that we would not have enough time to pull it off. Then, we started talking about Spring, and it was suggested that we do "You've Been Egged!" This is a similar concept, but uses a giant plastic egg. We were sold. In the picture above is what I did with the egg when it was my turn to fill it. The point is to keep it anonymous, and to be as sly as possible. To keep people from being "double-egged," we had a staff list, and crossed off our recipient before leaving it on the front desk in the office each morning. I picked someone on staff who loves to bake, so I had SO much fun filling it with cute Easter baking supplies. Once our Spring holidays were over, we knew we wanted to continue going, but didn't want to use the egg. Since many of us on our staff use the book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" it was only natural to continue the activity using a bucket. I have PLENTY of Disneyland popcorn buckets, so we used a plastic bucket and have continued "passing the bucket." I LOVE to give gifts, but I LOVE to see people with lifted spirits even more! 

You can find a free original poem here if you would like to trying "filling your bucket" with your own staff!

Now, we at the Punchbowl would like to know:

You can grab the image below, if you would like to share on social media! Be sure to use the hashtag, so we can see your great ideas!

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