Do you love sticky notes as much as I do? I have them in every color, every size, lined, unlined, tabs and extra sticky. You name it, I probably have a sticky note for you to use. One of my favorite ways to use sticky notes is for Interactive Read Alouds. Read on to learn how I use them and for a freebie!

Hey there, this is Paige from Our Elementary Lives and this is my FIRST blog post on the Primary
Punchbowl. I just recently joined this fabulous group of ladies and couldn’t be more excited. You can read more about me on my blog here!
Interactive Read Alouds are one of my favorite things to do in my first grade classroom. It is an activity that teaches many standards and they are fun. You can read more about WHY you need to be doing them on my blog here. Like I said above, one of my favorite ways to use sticky notes is for Interactive Read Alouds. When I’m planning an interactive read aloud, I use my editable sticky note templates to type on, print and stick into the book that I’m using as an Interactive Read Aloud.
When I’m planning my IRA, on one sticky note I include my think out loud or what I want to say and then I also include the interaction that I want, either turn and talk, act it out or stop and jot.
Here are some examples of sticky notes from my IRA Night of the Veggie Monster.
When I print my sticky notes, I keep the template that I printed them on so that I can put the sticky notes right back onto the template when I am done reading that book. If I own the book I will often just leave the sticky notes in the book. But sometimes I have borrowed a book from the library and then I can’t leave the sticky notes inside the book.
Once you have printed on the sticky notes you will have them for the long run. Use the extra sticky post-its for more durability.
Have I convinced you that using sticky notes for IRAs are the best? To help you out here is a FREE template for printing on sticky notes. And if you are not sure how to print on sticky notes, you can read my blog post How to Print on Sticky Notes in 3 Easy Steps.
Here's your freebie!
And here's an image you can pin and share with others.
Until next time, happy printing!
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