How to-Writing and Sequencing

Hello friends, I'm Diana from MyDayinK and I am excited to be writing a post for The Primary Punchbowl.  I hope your new year is off to a great start!

The first week back from winter break can always be a little tough.  I find myself having to review rules and expectations and getting my little kiddos back into the kindergarten game.  Once the week is over though I feel like we get more into our groove and our routine runs smoothly again. 

Shortly after we come back from break we begin our next unit in ELA which is all about beginning, middle, end and story elements.  To start our unit we focus on real life sequencing to demonstrate how order is very important and necessary if things are going to make sense.  

This time of year is perfect for sequencing because in Chicago we are in the thick of winter and wearing as many articles of clothing, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.  We practice sequencing by putting on our winter gear.  We talk about how we can't put our boots on and then our snow pants because it doesn't work and it's too hard to pull your pants over your boots.  We also talk about how we can't put our gloves on and then our coats because it is too hard to zip up our coats. 

Another real life example of sequencing that works perfect for this time of year is how to build a snowman.  

Last year it worked out great because we had just gotten a snowfall the week we were doing this activity.  I had parents come in to help and I broke my class into groups of five and we all went outside and built snowmen.  

After we did the authentic application then we came in and talked about it and put it down on paper.  

If the weather cooperates we hope to be able to do this again, otherwise we might have to improvise and create our own snow.  ;)

To help with my How-To Writing over break I created two How-to Writing packets: How to Build a Snowman and How to Make Hot Chocolate and you can enter below for a chance to win both.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. 

I hope you have a great start to your year and a wonderful week with your students!

1 comment

  1. We just love this post, Diana! We are always looking for new ways to work on writing with our Kinders!! We can't wait to do some Winter sequencing!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Much love,
    Ashley and Brooklynn


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